Other Roles


Install Ruby, Gem integration for Debian and dev dependencies.

Any Debian ruby package should then be also recognized as a Gem. You can however continue to install Gems using the gem utility if you need a specific version or an unavailable package.


Install NodeJS and NPM.


  • nodejs_version : The version to install, currently supports 13.x, 12.x, 11.x, 10.x, 9.x, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.x, 0.12 and 0.10, default being 12.x.
  • nodejs_distro : Is automatically set to either ‘jessie’, ‘stretch’, etc based on available information, you can also put an Ubuntu codename here.
  • nodejs_create_package_json: create a package.json file based on the settings below during provisioning. Defaults to true.
  • nodejs_package_json_template: template to use for the creation of the initial package.json file. Defaults to
package.json.j2, or package.json.gulp.j2 if you’re using the gulp role. See the provisioning/roles/nodejs/templates directory for the list of available templates.
  • nodejs_package_json_path: where should the package.json file be created, defaults to <root_directory>/package.json
  • nodejs_package_json_author: Author that should be put in the package.json file, defaults to Liip AG
  • nodejs_install_package_json: Run npm install on each provisioning. Defaults to true.


Install an OpenLDAP (slapd) server.

It will open the standard LDAP ports (389 for ldap://, 636 for ldaps://), and the ldap-utils (shipping ldapsearch is also installed.


  • ldap_organization : Fulltext organization name, defaults to ‘EvilCorp Ltd’
  • ldap_organization_domain : Organization domain name, defaults to evilcorp.example.com
  • ldap_admin_password : Password of the original cn=admin,dc=evilcorp,dc=example,dc=com user, defaults to ‘admin’

RMT - Release Management Tool

Install RMT in the box. Once done you must run php /home/vagrant/.config/composer/vendor/liip/rmt/RMT to init it for your project. Then for the next steps go to https://github.com/liip/RMT#usage


To be completed.

Gitlab CI

See CI.