Database Roles


Install and set up a MySQL server and then create the configured user and database.

The database administrative user is “root” with the “root” password.

This role must be included before the Django or PHP one if both are present so that the correct extension and configuration could be made.


  • database_name : the name of the database to create, set in parameters.yml
  • database_user: the name of the user, defaults to the database name
  • database_password: the password of the user, defaults to the database name
  • mysql_version: the MySQL version to install, defaults to 5.6 and supports 5.6, 5.7 and 8.0 (more info on
  • mysql_character_set: the database character set, defaults to “latin1”
  • mysql_collation: the database collation, defaults to “latin1_swedish_ci”


Install and set up a PostgreSQL server and then create the configured user and database.

This role must be included before the Django or PHP one if both are present so that the correct extension and configuration could be made.


  • database_name : the name of the database to create, set in parameters.yml
  • database_user: the name of the user, defaults to the database name
  • database_password: the password of the user, defaults to the database name
  • database_template: the template to use, defaults to “template0”
  • database_encoding: character encoding, defaults to UTF-8
  • database_lc_collate: database collation, defaults to en_US.UTF-8
  • database_lc_ctype: database ctype, defaults to en_US.UTF-8


Install and set up a PostgreSQL server with the PostGIS extension enabled.

The postgres role is declared as a dependency and does not need to be activated explicitly in playbook.yml.

For each of the supported OS, this role installs the recommended PostgreSQL/PostGIS combination package: - Debian 8 (Jessie): postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.1 - Debian 9 (Stretch): postgresql-9.6-postgis-2.3 - Debian 10 (Buster): postgresql-11-postgis-2.5 - Ubuntu 14 (trusty): postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1 - Ubuntu 16 (xenial): postgresql-9.5-postgis-2.2


To be completed.