Ruby Roles


Install rbenv along with Bundler. Complete the installation with the bundle install command if a Gemfile is found in the project root directory.


  • ruby_version: this should be the exact version name (such as 2.3.3). Find a list of accepted version with rbenv install -l. Default is 2.4.1.
  • ruby_build_version: version of ruby-build to use. Default is v20190423.


Simply add roles nodejs and ruby in your playbook.yml. Note that rails will not be installed unless specified in your Gemfile.

Using mysql or postgres? then include mysql or postgresql role before ruby.

Run server

You have two options. First, in the box, run rails server or puma, then open your browser on http://{hostname}:3000

Second option is to add the nginx role with the rails template:

- { role: nginx, web_directory: "/vagrant/public", site_template: "rails-site.j2", proxy_port: 3000 }

Then you can just open http://{hostname}.