System Roles


This roles installs various useful software like vim, ack-grep, etc. It also put some configuration files of the vagrant user home directory.

It should always be included to have a common environment in all vagrant boxes.


Install Git and some sane configuration and sync the username and e-mail from the host.

Fancy-diff is also installed by default and you can opt-in to sync your git configuration on each vagrant up.


  • fancy_diff : install fancy-diff
  • sync_git_with_host : sync your host git config on each vagrant up


Install Supervisor so that you can manage long lived processes inside the box. A config file based on the parameters is also created for your service.

The service are automatically started on boot and restarted if they fail.

If you need multiple services, just include the role multiple times with the various parameters.


  • service_name : name of the service
  • user : user to use to launch the service
  • command : the command to launch
  • root_directory : the base directory for the service
  • environment_vars : environment vars you want to set


Configure a path to be mounted as a tmpfs (ie : in memory filesystem).

This can be used to speed up application, for example by putting their log directory in memory thus avoiding costly network transfers for shared directories.


  • mount_path : the path to replace with a tmpfs


If you set the ssl parameter to true in your parameters.yml file, ansible will create a Certification Authority (CA) and then create and sign SSL certificates for all hosts configured for your project.

The CA certificate will then be copied to your project root_directory. If you add this certificate to your trust store, you should be able to access your websites with HTTPS without any error messages from most browsers.

If the role is activated, both Apache and NGinx will be configured to use the created certificates.

WARNING: if the certificate is regenerated because you did a vagrant destroy or the hostname changed, you will need to re import the CA certificate into your trust store and in the meantime you might get errors from your browser. Chrome for example produce a pretty confusing error message about an attacker trying to steal your credentials.


Disable SSH strict host key checking if ssh_no_stricthostkeychecking is set to true in the parameters.

Also add the github and host key to the known_hosts file.


  • ssh_no_stricthostkeychecking : if set to true, disable SSH strict host key checking


To be completed.


To be completed.


Currently only installs LogStach without any kind of configuration or nothing. This role is not usable as is.


  • logstash_version: version to install, defaults to 2.3