Migration instructions

Version 2.0

Ansible version

This version of Drifter requires Ansible version >= 2.7 installed. If you’re using ansible_local = true in your Vagrantfile (which is the default), you’ll need to make sure Ansible 2.7 is installed on the guest. To do that, open the file virtualization/parameters.yml in your editor and add the following:

ansible_version: 2.7.0

Then run the provisioning using vagrant provision, this should install the correct Ansible version.

If you’re using ansible_local = false, you’ll need to make sure the Ansible version installed on the host is at least 2.7. Instructions will depend on how you installed Ansible (OS package manager, pip, etc).

Ansible templates location

The new Ansible version changed the way templates are discovered. You might have templates paths set in your application, especially if you extend a Drifter template in one of your templates (eg. {% extends "nginx/templates/default-site.j2" %}).

In such cases, you’ll need to replace the template path with only the template name. For example nginx/templates/default-site.j2 would become default-site.j2.

Version 1.0

Ansible version and ansible_local

Changes were made to the roles that requires to use of at least the version 1.9.0 of ansible. This means Debian stable users have to install ansible via the Backports if they don’t want to use the ansible_local provisioner.

Also, the default is now ansible_local also for LXC and the Vagrant version was bumped to 1.8.4 in this case to get rid of the bug that caused issues before. This is the new recommanded provisioner.

Old Vagrantfile format

The support for the old Vagrantfile format has been removed in this version. You should follow the steps detailed in the migration from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0 if you haven’t done it already.

Virtualbox and LXC URLs

It’s not possible to specify separate boxes for LXC and Virtualbox via Drifter anymore. You need to move to the new JSON box format in order to be able to do it. You can have a look at https://vagrantbox-public.liip.ch/drifter-jessie64-base.json for an example.

The lxc_box_name, lxc_box_url, vbox_box_name and vbox_box_url have been removed in favor of box_name and box_url.


Git installation and configuration is now in its own role. It was added to the playbook.yml.dist file, but existing project should also add it to their playbook if they want to have git installed.

You should also have a look at the git role documentation inside the System roles for the new features.

PHP roles names

redis-php and memcached-php roles have been renamed to follow the already in place convention. You’ll now have to use php-redis and php-memcached

Flash & Django roles

The flask and django roles now use the new virtualenv role. This means the parameter for the requirements is now named pip_requirements.

The default value for this parameter has also been changed to “requirements/dev.txt”.

Version 0.1.0 to 0.2.0

In order for the framework to work correctly on Windows, we removed the symlinks to the Vagrantfile stored in the submodule. The content of the VagrantfileExtra.rb is now in the Vagrantfile at your project root. This new file then loads a more complete Vagrantfile that is in the submodule.

In order to migrate, follow those steps (commands assume you are in your project root directory) :

  1. Remove the Vagrantfile symbolic link from the root : rm -f Vagrantfile

  2. Copy the VagrantfileExtra.rb file to your root and rename it : mv virtualization/VagrantfileExtra.rb Vagrantfile

  3. Add the get method to your CustomConfig class in the Vagrantfile (copy the snippet below inside the class)

  4. Add the loading of the complete Vagrantfile to the project Vagrantfile : echo "load 'virtualization/drifter/Vagrantfile'" >> Vagrantfile

    def get(name, default = nil) if self.respond_to?(name) self.send(name) elsif default.nil? raise “[CONFIG ERROR] ‘#{name}’ cannot be found and no default provided.” else default end end